Baked Custard....First Baking Blog YAY!

Shabammmmmm. First baking blog starts now! I'm new at this whole blogging thing! I know when you blog you're supposed to write down whatever comes to your mind. It's kind of difficult for me to do that when I sit at my computer all day at work and send emails to those that expect, of course, good grammar and sophisticated paragraphs. I sort of have the same mind set when it comes to blogging. As everyone knows, yesterday was SUNDAY which meant it was the first day for me to begin my baking themes and the first day to share my life as a baker. I decided to make my first theme of my career Five Ingredients or Less--which obviously means that the 4 desserts that I make this month are going to contain 5 ingredients or less (duhhhh). This may seem simple (which I thought yesterday too when I began making baked custard) but the outcomes are so delicious that the amount of ingredients doesn't even matter anymore.

This literally was the EASIEST dessert that I've ever made in my whole entire life. This of course is set aside from the duties I had as a little girl helping my mother make Yalikmek (however, one might see those duties as stressful and difficult). In fact, my sister and I had the hardest job of the whole Yalikmek making process according to my mom. This was due in large part to the fact that my mom didn't feel like kneading the bread until her arms fell off! She then handed this part off to my sister and I which we deemed as the best time of our lives. Anyways...making baked custard was so simple yet the outcome was pretty desirable.

You literally only use FIVE ingredients--WHOLE milk, a tad bit of sugar, 1/8 tsp of salt (WHAT IS EVEN THE POINT!?), vanilla, and 3 eggs. If you use skim milk, you will not get the same creamy results! But honestly, what is the point of 1/8 tsp of salt anyways!?!

Now once I got all my ingredients settled onto the counter top of my extremely small, cramped kitchen, I began whisking everything together and BAM my custard was ready to be baked. Once poured into each individual cup, you place all 6 cups into a 13x9 inch glass pan and add 1inch of water around the cups. This prevents the custard from burning. I'd like to thank my mother for letting me borrow her beautiful custard cups for this dessert as it is something I wouldn't normally bake.

The baking part of this process takes the longest--45 to 50 minutes--and I actually found that it took about 60 minutes to come to the perfect consistency.

This recipe made 6 impeccable vanilla custard cups (next time I plan on adding a swirl of chocolate into each cup!!!!!).

Now, the recipe originally says you can eat it warm OR cold. I prefer it cold though! Once they were ready to eat, I dug in! The consistency was perfect--creamy and light. My friend (who I owe a HUGE thanks to for taking these pictures...and who will be taking ALL of my pictures to come) added cinnamon to his serving. Yes, yes, I know this isn't RICE pudding (it's okay Martin...) but he said it added an extra touch to the custard! I may have to try that on my next serving...

Welp, that is all for my first baking blog! It's time for the gym...gotta get in beach shape before next Friday!!! OCMD here we come!

PS: I will make sure to look better for the camera next week :)


Dmoney said...
May 7, 2012 at 7:48 PM

Great blog! They look delish, yum!

Alex said...
May 7, 2012 at 7:57 PM

So, interestingly enough, I happened to make rice pudding yesterday. Same ingredients plus rice. Coincidence?

Allie said...
May 9, 2012 at 1:16 AM

Very cool Alivia

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