Another Well-Deserved Learning Experience


Reese's is probably one of the most loved chocolate delights in the U.S. You can even follow Reese's on Facebook! For the past 2 months or so, a friend of mine, and also co-worker, has been begging (yes, literally BEGGING) me to make something Reese's inspired. He even posted a link to some sort of Reese's brownie a while back on my FB wall. I have to admit, it looked super delish.

I decided to make a Reese's cupcake and ATTEMPTED to make peanut butter whipped cream (didn't go as planned) to go on top. I'm a huge fan of homemade whipped cream simply because it is SOOOOO easy and it's also light in taste compared to the rich and creamy butter cream that I usually make. Sometimes, I feel that a cupcake, depending if and what is inside of it, is too sweet after adding plain or flavored butter cream on top. Since this chocolate cupcake was going to have a Reese's cup on the inside, I felt that by putting PB butter cream on top at the end was going to be just too much going on. All of the sudden, PB whipped cream came to mind!

I decided to use the chocolate cupcake recipe that is in my Cupcakes cookbook (same recipe I used for my old co-worker's order a week and a half ago) because I never got to sample the finished product. After she told me everyone LOVED the cupcakes at her work cookout, I just had to use this recipe again to try it out. The batter (yes I try the batter EVERY single time I make anything) was delectable when I tried it last time, but a true baker ALWAYS should try the finished product to figure out what he or she should change the next time around. This, I feel, is an extremely HUGE part of learning how to create your own recipes and tweak other excellent recipes to make them unique. Going forward, I plan to always make one extra cupcake to sample no matter what it's for.

I simply added a small Reese's cup in the center of each cupcake (no, not the useless microscopical Reese's mini) and VOILA, the cupcake turned out perfect. After placing the mini Reese's, I added more batter to completely cover the Reese's. This recipe is so unique in that it looks like a scrumptious brownie when they come out of the oven! I don't know if I would change ANYTHING that has to do with this cupcake. The use of unsweetened cocoa powder AND unsweetened baking chocolate squares is such a good choice in this recipe. Definitely a good choice for all of the chocolate lovers out there!

On the top it doesn't look like a normal cupcake that you see every day, but instead it has tiny holes and resembles a brownie. YUM!!!! the smell just fills the air when you uncover them in my cupcake tote (where they are right now).

What I will probably never attempt ever again: I will never try to make PB whipped cream ever again. The consistency was TERRIBLE and it literally looked like traditional hummus after making it. I'm not sure what happened, but I know now that PB does not work in a whipped cream recipe. I only put like 1 1/2 tbsp! There was also something about the taste that wasn't pleasing. Put simply--PB and whipping cream DO NOT go well together :)

Do they have an PB extract!?

I probably should have stuck with the PB butter cream that I was originally going to make. That saying, "stick to your guns," always seems to apply to me. I've made PB butter cream before and next time I make these cupcakes, it's going on top of them!!!

I only made 7 of these cupcakes and I've decided, after both my parents and myself tried one tonight after dinner, I will not ice the rest of them. In fact, I already ditched the whipped cream. I was going to make some PB butter cream tonight but I've decided that the chocolate brownie-ish cupcakes with the mini Reese's inside is good enough on its own! The cake is so tasty and moist and the Reese's makes it 10x better.

Hooray for un-iced cupcakes!!!!!!



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