Back from the Break!


Since I took Sunday off last weekend from baking (YES, I was at the Raven's game!!), I just HAD to bake something this week to make up for it. I was also bored out of my mind last night and it was only 7:45pm. What does one do when TV/movie won't do the trick?? BAKE SNICKER DOODLES! I mean honestly, who DOESN'T like snicker doodles???

A few months back, I made snicker doodle cookie CUPCAKES and they were da bomb. Layer of cookie on the bottom, layer of cupcake in the middle, layer of homemade cinnamon whipped cream spread on the top. To make you drool a little, here's what they looked like inside:
Definitely a cupcake you want to try now, right?

Anyways, I hadn't made the good ol' fashion snicker doodle cookies in a while and since after all, they are my favorite and I had all the ingredients for them last night, I just had to make 'em.

I have to say though, what I really wanted to make were oatmeal raisin cookies.

Brown sugar-not nearly over 1 cup :(

Then I thought about molasses...hmmm...these are delicious when they are fresh out of the oven, soft, chewy, sugary around the outside...I forget why I didn't make these last night...oh well!
These were the gingerbread/molasses kissed cookies I tackled last year for our holiday party! They were unbelievably soft and stayed that way for days! 

Okay, back to my snicker doodles. I was thinking about making a soft butter cookie with some flavor glaze on top (lemon, orange, etc). I didn't have either fruit...

I found this snicker doodle cookie recipe from one of my favorite baking sites, Joy of Baking! It is SOOOO simple and anyone can do this...honestly...

Just a soft, chewy butter cookie covered in cinnamon sugar before going into the oven that puffs up while baking. HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG WITH THAT??

Tips: do NOT overbake these. I suggest taking them out when you see them rising in the oven. They will actually stay like this and won't flatten out. These cookies do not show so easily when they are really "done" but I can tell you that if you start to see a brown edge, TAKE THEM OUT RIGHT AWAY! :)

Also, when you make the dough, it will be very sticky and soft. I rolled them into balls just like this though which isn't a problem. It might be helpful to cover and refrigerate the dough right in your mixing bowl for a little while. It will make it easier to roll!

USE A STANDING MIXER IF YOU HAVE ONE! It makes EVERYTHING 100x easier...true life. These cookies only took 5-7 minutes to whip up with my brand new Kitchen Aid mixer!

That's all for now folks. Check back in next week on WEDNESDAY after I bake amazing egg nog cupcakes for our work holiday party! ANOTHER BAKE OFF!!!!

Cheers :)

My mixer in action for the very first time! Life is good :)


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