Double Chocolate Baked Donuts

Current Mood: excited
Current Song: Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull - Live it up

Happy Tuesday! I feel like I"m sort of brain dead today and I have a headache so I'm keeping it short and simple this morning! I'm thinking I'm a bit dehydrated...but I'm not completely sure...I think it all started Saturday when I didn't have a sip of water until 9:30pm and drank beer all day on the boat at Aquapalooza. Hmmm...that can't be good!!

Anyways...I had to think of a dessert to make for Father's Day for brunch at the parents. I REALLY wanted to make buns, but I knew that would take up a good amount of time since you have to let the dough rise and whatnot. I knew I was going to be in the sun all day Saturday and brunch was at 11am Sunday. Buns ain't happenin'!

I decided to make donuts! Ya know, I really wanna try fried donuts ("real" donuts) one day, but I just can't bring myself to do something like that. For now, I'll stick to my donut pan and pretend they aren't muffins...or cupcakes...or anything of that type (they really are, just in a different shape and form :))

I made double chocolate baked donuts for Sunday. The recipe was extremely simple as there was no butter involved. I didn't even have to use my Kitchen Aid! Folding in ingredients is actually better for the dough anyways because it reduces air bubbles and makes the finished product less dense. So once you have your wet ingredients prepared in one bowl, and your dry ingredients prepared in the other, simply take a spatula and fold the dry ingredients into the wet!

Once they were done baking for about 10 minutes, They plopped right out of the pan and were ALMOST ready for the chocolate ganache. Once completely cooled, I whipped up some ganache using semi-sweet chocolate chips and heavy whipping cream and poured it over each donut.

What everyone really liked about these donuts: They weren't EXTREMELY sweet since there was only a half cup of sugar in the batter. The semi-sweet cocoa powder in the donut and the semi-sweet ganache made this dessert a perfect one for dark chocolate lovers (like my entire family). It sort of cancelled out the small amount of sugar in the donut. If you love dark chocolate, this recipe is for you!!

I, on the other hand, love milk chocolate. But I still really enjoyed these donuts and I recommend eating one with vanilla ice cream.

Tip of the Day: Ganache seems terrifying to some people, but it's actually one of the easiest things to make if you're in a time pinch. I used to think making whipped cream was the quickest and easiest, but you have to dirty up a whole mixer and it takes more time to whip it than it does to boil heavy whipping cream.

For ganache, you literally just bring the cream to a boil, pour it directly over chocolate chips, stir, and let cool a bit before pouring over, under, or inside your dessert of choice.



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