Punkin' Cheesecake

Current Mood: excited!!!!!
Current Song: Monster-Eminem/Rihanna LOVE THIS SONG

Christmas spirit is in the air!!

This weekend we will cut down our first Christmas tree and decorate our house for our real first Christmas together! And our last before we are married. Woop Woop! Okay enough with the mushiness...is that a word?

Ready...set...GO! That's what I'll be saying tomorrow to myself when I get off work and head home to start making four pumpkin cheesecakes for Kelly! And then again to myself on Wedn when I head home from work and start making 20 dozen minis for Kelly! Talk about busy, huh!? But I am pumped.

I tested my pumpkin cheesecake rendition over the weekend for our "Friendsgiving." I keep seeing this on Facebook and I didn't get it at first. But DUH, we had one of these Saturday night when we had 3 other couples over for an early Thanksgiving dinner. Dom made the fried turkey laced with bacon (literally laced across the top of the turkey...no...not drugs) and I made the cheesecake. One couple brought stuffing and mouth-burning jalapeno mashed taters (they burned but damn were they good) and the other couple brought semi-mashed sweet potatoes. These were also very delish and something completely new to me. Thanks for the leftovers, guys!

Of course then we had cranberry "sauce" sliced at the can indents and rolls that were apparently sweet potato rolls.

We had a family style dinner and some drinks (well some had too many drinks) and fun!

My pumpkin cheesecake was divine. It was extremely close to pumpkin pie (I may, in fact, leave out a bit of pumpkin puree for the order) and had the delectible tang of sour cream topping to give it a kick. The cinnamon graham crust was a splendid addition to the cake and I topped it with three pumpkin Hershey kisses (I didn't have pecans at the time).

No cracks. No issues. No problems.

Can't wait to bake four of them tomorrow night! What a busy, busy week ahead of me.

Random Tip of the Day: Use your food processor for EVERYTHING! Well...not everything. But I've never used it to make crust before and it was soooo much easier. I threw in the grahams, sugar, and cinnamon. Blended for 1 minute to get all chunks out. Added the melted butter, pulsed it a few times until it started to clump together and poured into the spring form pan. Easy as cake! (No pun intended)



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