Biggest Order Yet!

...And it only took me about 4 hours!

Cute little liners I found
The boyfriend's mom ordered 200 mini red velvet cupcakes for Valentine's Day at Peerce's Plantation. She's the same person who ordered the 8 dozen minis for a bridal shower a few weeks ago. I am discovering that this mini business (literally...minis...) is working out well for me!

I'm coming to realize that many people would rather order mini cupcakes for parties and get togethers. It's easy for guests to hop on over to the dessert table at a party, pick up a mini cupcake, and eat it in one (or if you have a small mouth, maybe two) bites. Then, they don't feel guilty coming back for another! Not to mention, minis actually take less time to bake than regular sized cupcakes. It took me about 4 hours to finish the 200...and it would have taken me less had I had MORE than just TWO mini cupcake pans. I really need to invest in two more...

Minis also take less time to bake AND you can bake 48 minis at a time. They take less time to cool. They take one swirl of frosting with a pastry bag. Can't get much simpler than that!

I didn't get to try these red velvet...but I'm hoping that the ladies who went to dinner with their sweethearts on Valentine's Day at Peerce's enjoyed the cupcake and champagne :)

The icing, like always on red velvets, was divine  The cream cheese flavor really shines through and pairs nicely with the cupcake flavor. I would never recommend using a different icing for these!

I topped with a conversation heart and trekked out through the snow and massive amounts of deer on the side of the road to Peerce's to deliver them Wednesday night. Nothing better than receiving a free mini cupcake and glass of champagne on Love Day!


Tip of the Day: Minis only take about 9-11 minutes to bake at 350. If you have a regular sized cupcake recipe, and let's say it makes 12 cupcakes, it will make TRIPLE that amount of minis (about). So it would make about 36 minis. Start off at 9 minutes and if they are not done, increase by 1 minute at a time. They should never take longer than 11 minutes.


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